Thursday 15 November 2012

Module 6 - Debate

For my topic to debate is "The Sustainable of Gasoline Engine".
In this debate we have decided a debate topic which is the sustainable of gasoline engine. So, i am the one group member with agreed with the topic with "The Sustainable of Gasoline Engine". This group have 5 members with included me and we needed to do research for this debate. We was decided going do research with individually, after done we will decided and make decision after. Due to the lecturer, we needed showing our the information which we was found out and show it on the e-portfolio. From the below was the main point which we we done for the debate.

-Gasoline engine (petrol engine) is more powerful compare to electric vehicle.
-Petrol has higher energy density than any format energy which enable vehicle travel further.
-The gasoline engine is cheaper to run if compared with other fuel.
-Smaller and lighter and also it"s not complicated as other type of energy.
-Maintenance of petrol engine which is much cheaper to EV as it's not as complicated as EV engine.
-The gasoline engine vehicle is available everywhere, even in less develop country.
-No charging required for gasoline engine compare with electric vehicle.
-The spare part of the gasoline engine is easy to achieve.
-Much polluted compared to gasoline engine.
-The knowledge of about gasoline engine technician is limited.
-This type of engine warming up in a short time if compared to hybrid vehicle.
-Provided same power all the time.
-Affect other industry such as power generator motor.
-Delphi- a leading global supplier of electronic and technologies for automotive comes out an advance
technology that will lower cost (cheaper)
-From the research of American Thresher man, a gasoline engine is one-man power which concludes to power that one man alone can operate and do work for two or three men with other kinds of power.
-The impact of gasoline engine to other industry, such as marine industry, power station and also vacancy of jobs for the petroleum extraction will reduce if gasoline engine were kick out from this society.
- According to BBC News on 4th October, a report wrote through the research from Norwegian University of science and Technology has mentioned that, the pollution of the electric vehicles EVs or Hybrid vehicles HEVs is even higher than the gasoline engine. Basically a electric vehicles required a lot toxic materials such as the nickle, copper and aluminum.
-Electric vehicle produce an indirectly pollution to the environment and human. As we can know, as many the electric vehicle drive in future, as many power station or power source need to be build up.
-Excessive power station will produces others pollution to the environment such as the acid rain, airborne particulate matter, smog, and human toxicity.

Group discussion with my groupmate.

All the collected data and share among the groupmates.

We had the group discussion and went to debate quite prepared. It was a very fierce battle with the opposing team but in the end feel that debate increase our knowledge especially the advantage and the disadvantage on the related topic.

Module 5 - Emerging Technology

One of the emerging technology in these few years are the motion sensor detection. Motion sensor detection has been further develop and the application of the device is wide in many industry either in Computer (IT), automotive industry, Gaming industry or the Security Industry. First motion detector was invented by Samuel Bagno in 1950s which mainly for the burglar alarm. Motion sensing technology has been develop since then and to be apply in detecting unauthorize personnel around an area, detecting the movement of hand gesture in controlling a computer or playing a game and also it is apply in a vehicle to sense and automatically on or off the headlights.

Video show few application of the motion sensor lighting

Video shows the application of security alarm

Motion sensor has been widely use in lots of industry. Such technology is used as it has some advantages:-

-Motion sensors saves up time especially in application involves with buttons and switches. By a hand gesture, a door can be open and with just movement passing through the sensors.
- Beside saving time, motion sensor technology also helps in saving money and energy indirectly. Motion sensors can help to increase energy savings such as by turning lights off in unoccupied rooms. Sensors can also provide convenience through the automatic activation of lighting, heating and cooling, watering, and other household tasks.

-Motion sensors helps to improve security system. Motion sensors can also provide an additional layer of security and can be paired with security or surveillance cameras. Some motion detectors can also be connected to a monitoring system. 
- Motion sensors can also incorporate with an alarm system and keep the area alert if there is any intruder into the area. Alarm will rings off with any movement in the area.

- Motion sensor also helps improving the environment by reducing the usage of unnecessary  electrical appliances such as lighting. Beside electrical it can also use in sink that will helps to save water.
-The automated nature of these switches will reduce the amount of electricity consume and will reduce the radiation cause by the electrical appliances.

-Motion sensor also provide convenience towards the consumers. Because these switches will automatically turn the lights on in a room when someone enter, this will help the consumer to not stumbling around in the dark or possibly tripping and falling.
-Does not require long wire connection and have powerful transmission up to 30m through wall and ceiling as well which will be easy to install the system.

Technology Improvement
- It has improve the technology either in gaming or computing. It eliminates the usage of keyboard and mouse and is more accurate than those device. Interaction with just only motion of finger to control the whole computer.
- Improve the entertainment in gaming industry where players can interact with the game through body movement and hand gesture.


Motion sensor will also has its own disadvantages which includes:-

False Alarm
- Although it is good to keep the area save by having the sensor, however if the sensor is too sensitive which will creates false alarm. Frequent false alarm will eventually make people to ignore the alarm if there are real danger in the area.
- Some people is not agree with the system as it will be very annoying towards constant false alarm.

- It is a good technology but great technology comes with bigger price. The device itself consider as expensive with the usage of electronic components and the system that runs it.

Detection Range
-Motion sensor will have a limitation in detection range. Depends on where the sensor is installed, it will able to sense the motion in front of the sensor where it will not be able to cover the whole room.
-In gaming industry, player will not be able to interact with the console if the player is out from the sensor range which would sometimes cause frustration on players.


Video shows some advantages and disadvantages of players using motion sensor

Future impact of Motion Sensor
Motion sensor has been develop even further especially in computing industry and gaming industry. As in computing industry, the Leap Motion enable people to interact with the computer through hand gesture. 
Whenever Natural User Interfaces are implemented in movies, they are usually accompanied by some state-of-the-art operating system with immense flexibility. Similarly in the real world, without a tool that does justice to it, such technology is more likely to fall flat than to succeed. As with any new technology, motion sensor will eventually turn touchscreen into a legacy system.

Motion sensing will also helps in easing sculpting a 3D model using hand gesture, which will be more attractive than a lonely mouse pointer uses in a computer or laptop. As the motion sensor will be very sensitive, this will put the technology ahead of others not only for drawings but writing as well. The motion sensing might have a future as a preferred device. 

Gaming is part of the concern for the developers. Developing a future gaming especially in motion sensing is going to a great leap. This will creates a better gaming experience for the players but also with great effect will also cause players to engage in violence act. With more realistic gaming development will affect how people thinks and crime will increase as well with a mindset of not able to injured or damage the properties as like in a game. 

In my point of view, motion sensor will be a great development for the future either in gaming, IT or security industry. Motion sensor is going to ease up our daily lives and also helps improve the standard living of the people. However advancement in technology will also mean to put people into a convenient and lazy situation where in future people might just only sit on a couch or a moving bed and did everything with just the body gesture.

Module 4 - Cultures & Technology

Maori Culture
Maori people were the first human who living and conquered in New Zealand, they are the country's indigenous people. They first arrived around one thousand years ago as a result of migration being undertaken by Pacific island people. As we can see, in recent year Maori culture has experienced a significant renaissance. Traditional culture is being given a contemporary interpretation: Whether through music, the arts or the media.

The resurgence of Maori Culture can be easily seen in the New Zealand school, at home, on the "marae" and on the street. Maori culture has been recognize by New Zealand to others peoples and indigenous. From the study, we can know that during the earlier century Maori peoples utilize the hunting activity to survived. Maori people made their own hunting tools by using the wood, bamboo, stone, sea shell and etc. Maori people spread across New Zealand, forming many clans and achieved spectacular heights in woodcarving, tattoo, traditional dance and others art forms.

The photo above has shown the Maori famous war dance - Haka  [Image] Reference
Haka dance is the one of the traditional dance where represent the Maori culture.
On the Maori weapons or hunting tools, it has some very beautiful crave. Maori people produced works of art which were extremely beautiful and considered very advanced. [Image] Reference

Before the arrival of the Europeans Māori literature, stories and legends were handed down both orally and through weavings and carvings. Some carvings are over 500 years old.Te Toi Whakairo is the art of Māori carving, and Tohunga Whakairo were the great carvers - the master craftsmen. A master carver was highly considered. The Māori believed that the gods created and communicated through the master carvers.

Carving used to be a tapu art, subject to the rules and laws of tapu. The pieces of wood falling aside as the carver worked were never thrown away, neither were they used for the cooking of food. Women were not permitted near the carvings. The history, traditions, language and religion of the Māori make up an integral part of the carving art. To the Māori, all things possess a spirit (wairua), and a mauri (life force).Felling a tree was to cut down a descendant of Tane, the god of forests and of man. Before committing such an act, a karakia (ritual incantation) was recited by the Tohunga, in order to ensure that the act of felling an offspring of Tane could be carried out safely.

The Māori differed from other Polynesians in that they preferred curves to straight lines in much of their carvings. Many carvings take the distinctive koru spiral form, similar to that of a curving stalk, or a bulb. The koru form represents the basis of the red, white and black rafter patterns.

Picture of a carving pattern in koru form.

Often Manaia, a side-faced and sometimes birdlike figure, may be found in Māori carvings. The Manaia is usually depicted as having the head of a bird and the body of a man, though it is sometimes depicted as a bird, a serpent, or a human figure in profile while other interpretations include a seahorse and a lizard. The Manaia is traditionally believed to be the messenger between the earthly world of mortals and the domain of the spirits, and its symbol is used as a guardian against evil. In this form, it is usually represented in a figure-of-eight shape, the upper half culminating in a bird-like beak. This form was also widely used in designs of door and window lintels and other architectural features, as well as in ceremonial hafts of weapons.

A carving of the Manaia.
A Marakihau Carving.

Marakihau carving represents deep sea taniwha (monster) and ocean gods, particularly to be found in the Bay of Plenty area of New Zealand. In Māori legends Marakihau was often a mythical sea monster. Marakihau may decorate the porches of carved houses. A typical feature of Marakihau is its human form, but including a long tongue by which the Marakihau monsters were capable of swallowing up canoes or men. Quite often a type of crown form was situated on the top of the head.

Sometimes a one-eyed human face can be found in older carvings. It is thought that this particular figure may represent a demi-god who lived equally well on land or in the sea. Certain legends speak of one-eyed monsters, being part fish, part god and part man.

A lizard Carving 

The lizard is the only animal represented in Māori carving - possibly inspired from the native tuatara. Contrary to other depictions, the form of the lizard was never deformed or misshapen, possibly because the lizard was so revered. The small green lizard, found in the forests, was the most dreaded of all lizards. In carvings the green lizard embodies Rakaiora, seen as a god.


The Maori are an indigenous Polynesian people found in New Zealand. They have a form of body art, known as moko, more commonly known as Maori tattooing. The art form was brought by the Maori from Polynesia. This art is considered highly sacred, and continues to be highly revered. Since the Maori consider the head to be the most sacred part of the body, the most popular kind of Maori tattoo was the facial tattoo, which was composed of curved shapes and spiral patterns. It often covered the whole of the face, and was a symbol of rank, social status power, and prestige.The Maori tattoo is one of a kind, and no two tattoos are alike. It is highly intricate and detailed, which displays the craftsmanship and artistry of the Maori culture.For the Maori, tattooing was a rite of passage, which meant it was highly ritualized. Maori tattooing would usually begin during adolescence, and would be continually performed to celebrate important events throughout a person’s life.

The Maori ‘tattoo artist’ is called the tohunga-ta-moko, which means moko specialist. These tattooists are highly respected, and considered tapu, inviolable and holy. Tattoo artist are mostly men, but there are also some women who take up the practice.

Maori Fishing
According to Māori creation traditions the god of the sea and progenitor of fish is Tangaroa, the son of Ranginui (the sky father) and Papatūānuku (the earth mother).In these traditions Tūmatauenga, the god of war, fought with Tangaroa. Their enmity explains why humans, the descendants of Tūmatauenga, go fishing: they are continuing the war against Tangaroa’s progeny, the fish.

The construction of nets was a tapu activity – certain rituals and restrictions had to be followed. Most nets were made of green flax, and they ranged in size from individual hand nets to very largeseine nets. The base was weighed down with stone sinkers, and gourds or light woods were sometimes used as floats.

The largest net documented was made in 1886 by Major Fox and 400 others of Ngāti Pikiao, at Maketū in the Bay of Plenty. About 1.6 kilometres long, it was used only once to procure tens of thousands of fish for a major tribal gathering. Handling such nets required community effort.
Maori Fish net

Lines, hooks and spears
Lines and hooks were very popular for catching hāpuku and kahawai. The lines were very strong, and made of dressed flax fibre that was twisted into cord.

Hooks varied in size and shape and were made from wood, bone, stone or shell. Sometimes a gorge was used. This was a sharp piece of bone on a line, which caught in a fish’s throat when pulled. To attract kahawai, iridescent pāua shell was used on lures.

Hooks for fishing

Maori Spear.
Culture Viewpoint
Currently Maori people live throughout New Zealand and many are keeping their afford to maintain the culture and language alive. Within any Maori community, the marae provides a focus for social, cultural and spiritual life. Maori people define themselves by their iwi (tribe), hapu (sub-tribe), maunga (mountain) and awa (river). Whanau is the name given to family - the term embraces immediate family, in-laws and all those connected by blood ties.

In recent years, the introduction of Maori language nests (kohanga reo) has revived the Maori language. At kohanga reo, preschool children are encouraged to speak in Maori. Primary and secondary schools build on this early immersion by including Maori in the curriculum. Traditional carvers also help to keep Maori culture alive by creating intricate works that pay respect to the past. Every piece carved tells a story, which can be read by those who know how. The shape of the heads, position of the body as well as the surface patterns work together to record and remember events.

Video shows the Maori Culture.

Social Viewpoint
As the development and the advancement of the technology increase, modern life style will gradually replace the traditional ways of any race or tribe. Modern technology definitely will assist people in their daily life but as these technology being rely on people, traditional ways will be slowly be eliminated. To uphold their own tradition and cultures, Maori and other Indigenous is strictly oppose to the advancement of the technology. There are several impacts that will affect the Maori people:-

Life Style
The life style of the maori people will surely improve and this will also upgraded their living standards. This would bring convenience for the Moari people and will modernise the Maori people as well. However, with the upgraded life style traditional way will slowly be forgotten and this is where some Maori people still uphold their own traditional ways and rejected the improvement of the technology. Moreover, this would also increase the living expenses of the Maori people.

Advancement of technology will have a direct effect onto the environment. Cell phones, computer, vehicles and other technology will polluted the environment and this would also cause the Maori people to forcefully give up their traditional ways. Example is that manufacture factory that produce waste will contaminate the river and using the tradition way to fish will left the Maori people finding difficulties in fishing.

Orang Asli (Malaysia)
Orang Asli or known as "the original people" or the "first people" in Malay. They numbered 105,000 in 1997 representing a mere 0.5 per cent of the Malaysia national population. Nowadays there about 60.000 Orang Asli people, of which 60% still live in the rain forest. About 40% Orang Asli live along or near the coast. The Orang Asli have their own religions and customs, as well as unique languages.Languages spoken are generally from the Austronesian and Austro-Asiatic language families. The languages of the peninsular can be divided between Negrito, Senoi, and Malayic, together divided into about 18 subgroups.Each tribe is divided into 6 smaller tribes and they speak different dialect, apart from the local Malay dialect. However the language is heading towards extinction as the children in the tribe are learning English and Malay instead of their own dialect and language. 

Hunting Tools
Orang Asli with his blow pipe.
Blow pipe is the traditional weapon of the Orang Asli. Usually, they are made of bamboo and wood while the suitable kind of bamboo for the body is the 'sewor' because of its structure and easily obtain in the Peninsular.The blow-pipe is actually made-up of two layers of bamboo where the inside layer had a diameter between 1 to 2 cm. The blowing point can be made of wood or the beak of a hornbill. Both the blowing point and the body of the blow-pipe are usually decorated with attractive designs. The 'traditional bullets' used together with the blow-pipe are soaked in poison extracted from either the 'Ipoh Tree' or a kind of plat called 'Streyehros Ganus'.

Fishing is also part of the hunting activities that orang Asli did to hunt for food. Fishing equipments includes 'bubu', 'lukah', 'tuai' and others. At present, these tools are still being used especially by the Orang Asli living in remote areas.
Fishing trap used by Orang Asli.

Video shows how Orang Asli live in the jungle.

Monday 12 November 2012

Module 3 - Ethics

Ethics is the overriding general principle for all moral or civilized behaviour. Not all ethics issue is universal agree on or straightforward. An example of a ethics issue that I choose to talk about is the Ethics on Video Gaming. According to Yehuda (2005), ethics with regards to games includes at the very least honesty and sensitivity.

With better graphic and more realism level of gaming that been develop in recent years will leave us either killing monster, killing humans, controlling a character in drug dealing or enter a completely different Sci-fi dimension. Instead of go out interact with real human to play football, basketball or rugby, nowadays most of the kids are more into video gaming and stay at home. However, even with just playing games through a square box and a bunch of small buttons conflict still happens and it will also change a person character complete according to the types of game they play.

Gaming are suppose to bring us entertainment and amusement however in order to attracts the interest of people towards the game, game developers makes the game more realistic regardless how it will affect the people who play it. Ethical issue in video gaming will include Violence, Rating, Education, Stereotyping against woman, Community and Addiction. It is true that gamers should aware the negativity of gaming themselves but game developers also must take part in this social responsibilities as well. Although gaming is beneficial towards the society but they can also affect gamers in a harmful way.

An example of Violence gaming such as Grand Theft Auto. This game enables player to roam around a city and rampant killing people in the city, destroy any objects in sight and is a very fun gaming that I felt especially when we are under stress. First person shooting such as F.E.A.R is amazing in a way that it involve in incredible detail gore filled images in the game. With the supreme detail of graphic and realistic of the game, I won't be surprise if currently military are using game to train their soldiers in their accuracy of fire a gun. Dang, Lee and Nguyen states that In a recent study, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine using state-of-the-art brain-scanning technology, determined, brain scans of individuals who played a violent video game showed an increase in emotional arousal while decreasing self-control, inhibition, and attention. We won't know that during all these years game developers might actually giving a birth to potential terrorist all around the globe especially on younger generation. It would be desaster if all the kids that grow up in future will attempt crime without second thoughts.

A First Person Shooting Video Game : F.E.A.R

As for the Video rating, in US Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rate games into six categories:-

  • Early Childhood (ages 3+)
  • Everyone (ages 6+)
  • Everyone 10+ (ages 10+)
  • Teen (ages 13+)
  • Mature (ages 17+)
  • Adults Only (18+)
ESRB independently assigns computer and video game content ratings, enforces industry-adopted advertising guidelines and helps ensure responsible online privacy practices for the interactive entertainment software industry. The Truth in Video Game Rating Act intends to eliminate the way video games sold in
the United States are currently rated. This rating requires video game rating organizations to play
all games “in their entirety” before issuing labels and prohibiting game developers from
withholding any “hidden” game content from raters. With the ongoing debate about the current rating system, one may question if it really is sufficient enough. As mentioned, inaccurate ratings are common, which poses to be a problem. Sensitive content, such as violence, is not suitable for children and should not be available to them. Video games featuring violence teach children concepts that were not intended to be for them. Therefore, strict regulations are needed to be placed on the current rating system to prevent inappropriate material from being obtained by the unintended.
ESRB Game Rating.

An issue that arises in an educational aspect is whether video games are ethical or not. Gaming has taught both adults and kids many things; some are beneficial while others are believed to be immoral. Some gamers and developers argue that video games are better at teaching logic and problem solving skills than many school curriculum.While others mention that video game brings violence into kids nowadays. However, in my own opinion education in gaming is depends on how the gamers play the game. Some of the games indeed indirectly are training the brain to be more creative and also train the reaction of the gamers. However, some games that are too violence are not suitable for kids as these games would only help to brings entertainment and amusement to people. Gamers will be concentrating in killing monster or killing human instead of using their brain to think.

Currently video games appeal to be overwhelm by male in the world. Only 7-8 percent in total are female game developers. Likewise, only 12 percent of woman are gamers and mostly are not the main character in the game. As we know the reaction of women is slower compare to men and that would cause women to not wanting to play video games as they keep on losing especially on first person shooting games. However, because of this a stereotypical has been imply into people mind that women can't play video games. This could have been a big mistake as there are women gamers that are very skill in gaming and people tends to feel that it's just luck that women are good at gaming.

Last but not least, gaming addiction within the community is the biggest issue of all. According to CBS News a new brain scan study shows not only can that be the case, but also that Internet addiction might cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts.

Even worst, gaming addiction brings a lot death to human. Diablo 3 is a very popular and hot game in the gamin industry. People have been waiting for the game to release ever since 10+ years ago on the previous version Diablo 2. Finally, May 15 2012 Diablo 3 release the game and it's been the hottest game in the world. Gaming addiction issue has been increase and in July 2012, AsiaOne News reported that A Taiwan teenager died after playing 40 hours of Diablo 3 in an internet cafe without consume any food except for water. 

Computer games are edging towards creating images as realistic as possible which would improve the gaming industry. The environment for gaming is evolving, with online communities existing for every conceivable game. Gaming is really good for entertainment and amusement especially current games do have story line like movies and with the high quality of graphics that would attract more people into gaming. 
However, we must not ignore all the facts of the ethical questions raised about the time we spend gaming. How we handle the content of games, and their inherent nature, over the next few years could help the development of the gaming industry. 

Friday 9 November 2012

Module 2 - Societal Trends

As years pass by, technologies are getting more advance where people are surround by a lot of entertainment such as Movies and Games. In comparison of movies and games, according to Alex Ferrara (2009), in 2009 the movie "The Dark Knight" has reach the sales of $239 million while the game "Grand Theft Auto 4" has reach the sales of $500 million!! 

Just for gaming, people in the world even line up just right before the game launch in order to be the first to get the game that they have been waited for years. Below is a short video where people line up early in the morning just to get the game "Call of Duty : Modern Warefare 3".

Brief History

Video game industry starts as early as in 1970s. In 1972, Atari a gaming company introduce the arcade game "Pong". Then the game "Space Invaders" is also created and is sell over 360,000 arcade cabinets in the world wide and by 1982 the game generates 2 Billion revenue. The success of the Atari 2600 in turn revived the home video game market during the second generation of consoles, up until the North American video game crash of 1983 where a few gaming company went into bankrupt and crash the gaming industry. However by the end of 1970 as personal computer industry started to form, gaming industry grew along with the computer industry as well. In 1980s, he arcade video game industry would continue to generate an annual revenue of $5 billion in quarters through to 1985. The most successful game of this era was Namco's "Pac-Man", released in 1980, which would go on to sell over 350,000 cabinets, and within a year, generate a revenue of more than $1 billion in quarters; in total, "Pac-Man" is estimated to have grossed over 10 billion quarters ($2.5 billion) during the 20th century. 

In the 1990s the significant advancements in game related technology were:-
  • The widespread adoption of CD-based storage and software distribution
  • Widespread adoption of GUI-based operating systems, such as the series of Amiga OS, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS
  • Advancement in 3D graphics technology, as 3D graphic cards became widely adopted, with 3D graphics now the de facto standard for video game visual presentation
  • Continuing advancement of CPU speed and sophistication
  • Miniaturisation of hardware, and mobile phones, which enabled mobile gaming
  • The emergence of the internet, which in the latter part of the decade enabled online co-operative play and competitive gaming.

Gaming Statistic and Trend

Gaming is not only just for entertainment but also will affect people's life. In Stephen's (2010) report, he mentioned that:-
  • The U.S. computer and video game software publishing industry directly employs more than 32,000 people in 34 states.
  • In 2009, these employees received total compensation of $2.9 billion.
  • The total U.S. employment, both direct and indirect, that depends on game software now exceeds 120,000.
  • For the four-year period 2005 through 2009, direct employment in the U.S. computer and video game software publishing industry grew at an annual rate of 8.65%.
  •  The U.S. computer and video game software industry’s value added to U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was $4.9 billion.
  •  The real annual growth rate of the U.S. computer and video game software industry was 10.6% for the period 2005-2009 and 16.7% for the period 2005-2008.

Below is a table regarding to Computer and Video Games sales from 2005-2009

Gaming industry is not only affect the employment in USA but also in New Zealand as well. According to my research, NZ gaming industry also boost it's employment numbers. 

"At the AnimFX conference in Wellington this week, a survey of 21 game studios on their staff numbers was released by the NZGDA(New Zealand Game Developers Association). In the 12 months to September 2011, 114 game development jobs were created, boosting total employment numbers to 359 full time employees." (Sarah and Siobhan, 2011)

From the statistic and also the research I've made, it could see that game industry has earn far more than Hollywood movies.

Current Trends

Some claims that gaming industry is dying, however in my opinion I don't think that would be the case. With the evolution of the gaming consoles from Play Station (PS) to PS2, PS3,Play Station Portable (PSP) to PS Vita (PSP 2), while there's XBOX 360 and Wii gaming consoles; more gaming consoles has been develop and same goes with the personal computer as well. Advancement in 3D graphics and better performance of the Computer also assist in gaming industry where game developers create games that are far more interesting than ever before. Below are some pictures of the development of a certain game.

From the picture above, we can clearly see that the graphics improvement of the game. However, gaming consoles such as XBOX 360 and Play Station 3 has also develop a better gaming experience in order to overcome the Computer Gaming Industry. XBOX 360 introduce "Kinect" in 2010 where player gets to play game by interact with the gaming consoles without having any gaming controller but with just movement of the body. There is a camera and a motion sensor device that will detects the movement of the player standing in front of the device. 
The Xbox 360 Kinect that allow the player to play a game by body movement.

In the same year, Play Station introduce PlayStation Move where player interacts with the console by using a   wireless controller wand. The device will sense the position of the controller wand and input into the game. 
The position of the controller wand will let the console to imagine the player is holding the bow and arrow.

Future Gaming Trend

With the introduction of 3D TV, Gaming industry is again bring up to another level. Players get to play game by experiencing 3D images from 3D TV. According to Tara (2010), 3D will be a major advancement for gaming, spurring new games, devices, and products to keep this area of entertainment thriving. The Nintendo 3DS will join Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 in the 3D gaming trend.Most of the 3D gaming require a special glass in order to view the graphic in 3D while what excited the gaming Fans the most is playing the game without the need of the 3D glasses. However, 3D gaming experience is currently not the most favourable for the players as the gaming will cause the player to be confuse and cause dizziness on first few attempts.
Future gaming will let players to play games in a 3-Dimensional.

Improvement of the 3D technolog in gaming will achieve in the next few years where 3D glasses are no longer be needed and 3D images will be able to project out from the screen or monitor. 

According to IGN gaming, future trend of gaming could also be where player could play game with only high technology of motion sensor such as using the Future motion sensor device "LEAP".

LEAP is a future concept device that could reach 200times accuracy of the motion of a person. It's not only use in gaming but as well as interact with the laptop as well. It’s more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen and people can control a computer, laptop or even gaming consoles in three dimensions with their natural hand and finger movements.

Future gaming is getting more advance where it will out pass our imaginary or even is what we imagine during our childhood. As for my own imagination, in future we might be able to play games and interact with people just like in the movie "Matrix" where we could wear a gaming visor and enter the whole new gaming world.