Monday 12 November 2012

Module 3 - Ethics

Ethics is the overriding general principle for all moral or civilized behaviour. Not all ethics issue is universal agree on or straightforward. An example of a ethics issue that I choose to talk about is the Ethics on Video Gaming. According to Yehuda (2005), ethics with regards to games includes at the very least honesty and sensitivity.

With better graphic and more realism level of gaming that been develop in recent years will leave us either killing monster, killing humans, controlling a character in drug dealing or enter a completely different Sci-fi dimension. Instead of go out interact with real human to play football, basketball or rugby, nowadays most of the kids are more into video gaming and stay at home. However, even with just playing games through a square box and a bunch of small buttons conflict still happens and it will also change a person character complete according to the types of game they play.

Gaming are suppose to bring us entertainment and amusement however in order to attracts the interest of people towards the game, game developers makes the game more realistic regardless how it will affect the people who play it. Ethical issue in video gaming will include Violence, Rating, Education, Stereotyping against woman, Community and Addiction. It is true that gamers should aware the negativity of gaming themselves but game developers also must take part in this social responsibilities as well. Although gaming is beneficial towards the society but they can also affect gamers in a harmful way.

An example of Violence gaming such as Grand Theft Auto. This game enables player to roam around a city and rampant killing people in the city, destroy any objects in sight and is a very fun gaming that I felt especially when we are under stress. First person shooting such as F.E.A.R is amazing in a way that it involve in incredible detail gore filled images in the game. With the supreme detail of graphic and realistic of the game, I won't be surprise if currently military are using game to train their soldiers in their accuracy of fire a gun. Dang, Lee and Nguyen states that In a recent study, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine using state-of-the-art brain-scanning technology, determined, brain scans of individuals who played a violent video game showed an increase in emotional arousal while decreasing self-control, inhibition, and attention. We won't know that during all these years game developers might actually giving a birth to potential terrorist all around the globe especially on younger generation. It would be desaster if all the kids that grow up in future will attempt crime without second thoughts.

A First Person Shooting Video Game : F.E.A.R

As for the Video rating, in US Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rate games into six categories:-

  • Early Childhood (ages 3+)
  • Everyone (ages 6+)
  • Everyone 10+ (ages 10+)
  • Teen (ages 13+)
  • Mature (ages 17+)
  • Adults Only (18+)
ESRB independently assigns computer and video game content ratings, enforces industry-adopted advertising guidelines and helps ensure responsible online privacy practices for the interactive entertainment software industry. The Truth in Video Game Rating Act intends to eliminate the way video games sold in
the United States are currently rated. This rating requires video game rating organizations to play
all games “in their entirety” before issuing labels and prohibiting game developers from
withholding any “hidden” game content from raters. With the ongoing debate about the current rating system, one may question if it really is sufficient enough. As mentioned, inaccurate ratings are common, which poses to be a problem. Sensitive content, such as violence, is not suitable for children and should not be available to them. Video games featuring violence teach children concepts that were not intended to be for them. Therefore, strict regulations are needed to be placed on the current rating system to prevent inappropriate material from being obtained by the unintended.
ESRB Game Rating.

An issue that arises in an educational aspect is whether video games are ethical or not. Gaming has taught both adults and kids many things; some are beneficial while others are believed to be immoral. Some gamers and developers argue that video games are better at teaching logic and problem solving skills than many school curriculum.While others mention that video game brings violence into kids nowadays. However, in my own opinion education in gaming is depends on how the gamers play the game. Some of the games indeed indirectly are training the brain to be more creative and also train the reaction of the gamers. However, some games that are too violence are not suitable for kids as these games would only help to brings entertainment and amusement to people. Gamers will be concentrating in killing monster or killing human instead of using their brain to think.

Currently video games appeal to be overwhelm by male in the world. Only 7-8 percent in total are female game developers. Likewise, only 12 percent of woman are gamers and mostly are not the main character in the game. As we know the reaction of women is slower compare to men and that would cause women to not wanting to play video games as they keep on losing especially on first person shooting games. However, because of this a stereotypical has been imply into people mind that women can't play video games. This could have been a big mistake as there are women gamers that are very skill in gaming and people tends to feel that it's just luck that women are good at gaming.

Last but not least, gaming addiction within the community is the biggest issue of all. According to CBS News a new brain scan study shows not only can that be the case, but also that Internet addiction might cause the same brain changes that are seen in alcoholics and drug addicts.

Even worst, gaming addiction brings a lot death to human. Diablo 3 is a very popular and hot game in the gamin industry. People have been waiting for the game to release ever since 10+ years ago on the previous version Diablo 2. Finally, May 15 2012 Diablo 3 release the game and it's been the hottest game in the world. Gaming addiction issue has been increase and in July 2012, AsiaOne News reported that A Taiwan teenager died after playing 40 hours of Diablo 3 in an internet cafe without consume any food except for water. 

Computer games are edging towards creating images as realistic as possible which would improve the gaming industry. The environment for gaming is evolving, with online communities existing for every conceivable game. Gaming is really good for entertainment and amusement especially current games do have story line like movies and with the high quality of graphics that would attract more people into gaming. 
However, we must not ignore all the facts of the ethical questions raised about the time we spend gaming. How we handle the content of games, and their inherent nature, over the next few years could help the development of the gaming industry. 

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